Visiting with small children this summer

I received a mail today: “Just wondering if you had a list of activities I could do with my 8 and 6 yr old.  We are visiting my husbands family and will be staying in la capital for the entire month, with maybe a trip or two to Antigua or maybe el puerto, but otherwise […]

Semana Santa 2012

Semana Santa is around the corner. Most schools are now on vacation, others will finish clases tomorrow. But what is this all about, and what is the fuzz on Semana Santa in Guatemala. I tell you how I see it. First Semana Santa is a long holiday, the longest official holiday of the year, at […]

Ricardo Arjona New Video

Guatemalan singer and songwriter released his latest video, and it shows many of the great places in Guatemala, including Antigua Guatemala, Tikal, San Felipe Castle, Semuc Champey, Lake Atitlán and some other nice places. In the video he sings with Gaby Moreno, another important Guatemalan singer. Ricardo Arjona is the most famous singer and songwriter in […]